Control Net

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Control Net is a powerful tool that enables you to control your image output and make your generations conform to other source imagery. It was introduced to the AUTO WebGUI on February 15th, 2023 and has paved the way for amazing creations, including the ability to convert videos into more consistent generations.

If you're interested in the technical aspects of Control Nets, you can visit lllyasviel's Github page for more information. For those who want to dive in and see what it can do, this page will cover the basics.

A great Beginner Guide created by Reddit user u/PantInTheCountry is a good start as well.

Getting started

If you're using the AUTO's WebGUI, installing Control Net is very easy as it is available under the Extensions tab. Simply go to Extensions, then the Available tab, click "Load From," and "sd=webui-controlnet" should be somewhere in the list of extensions. Simply click install and reload your webGUI for the Control Net UI to appear on the txt2img and img2img tabs.

Once installed, you will still need to download the Control Net models for it to run properly. You can download the full main Control Net models here. Please be aware that they are all quite large files (around 5GB). You can download the smaller .safetensor versions here. The reduced file size does not impact the quality of generation.

Once you download these files, you will need to place them into the Control Net folder in the webGUI extensions folder. The file path should be ~\stable-diffusion-webui\extensions\sd-webui-controlnet\models.

After this, you should be able to generate images using Control Net. There may be additional automatic downloads that occur when you generate an image for the first time. These are general .yaml files.

You can also download the models manually from Mikubill's Github page.

Extensions tab

It's important to note that anyone can train their own Control Net model. Therefore, as with everything in AI generation at the moment, there will be many models that appear and improve upon the foundations of the main models provided.

The Basics

Once installed, using Control Net is very straightforward: simply add your source image, select the detection model, and generate a new image.

Make sure to tick the Enable checkbox, and choose a Preprocessor and a Model that match the chosen preprocessor.

If you are using a GPU with 8GB of RAM or less, it is recommended to tick the Low VRAM checkbox.

The Weight slider strongly affects how much the Control Net influences the original image. The Guidance start & end sliders allow you to specify at which percentage of the generation steps the Control Net is added into the algorithm, the later into the generation the Control Net is added, the less it will modify the original image. This may be useful if you want to keep some aspects of the original image and simply tweak them slightly to fit the Control Net source. It is recommended to keep weight at 1 and experiment with the guidance start and end. However, if guidance is at 1 and you need even more weight from the detection model, try increasing the weight value past 1. Be careful, though, since high weight values can ruin an image.

Depending on the preprocessor you choose, different sliders will be available to adjust the influence or detail of the Control Net model. Although I do not have enough information on the individual models to accurately describe what each slider does, I recommend experimenting with them to see what happens.

The Canvas height and width should match the dimensions of the source image you are using for the Control Nets.

It's important to note that adding Control Nets to your workflow will considerably increase generation time, especially if you start using multi-Control Nets, which will be explained in the next section.

Control Net UI as of 23/02/2023

Model Examples

All examples below are using default parameters for Control Net, Hires Fix using the Latent upscaler x2, sampling method Eular a, sampling steps 80 and the HD-22 model.

Canny model
Depth model
HED model
MLSD model
Normal model
Open Pose model
Scribble model
Fake Scribble model
Pidinet + scribble model
Segmentation model

Multi-Control Net

Introduced on 23/02/2023, a new feature allows the use of multiple Control Net models at once, enabling a remarkable level of control over image generation and the creation of highly stable images, particularly useful for videos.

To use multiple Control Nets, enable this feature in the webGUI settings tab for Control Nets. As shown in the screenshot below, turn up the Multi ControlNet slider to at least 2 and then restart the UI.

Control Net UI as of 23/02/2023

This multi-model setup allows for impressive and powerful results, including creating more stable images or mixing multiple source images into one final image.

You can also mix Preprocessors with non-matching Control Net models, however I haven't seen any reason to do that as yet.

Mixing multiple source images examples

Example of mixing two different sources together

User Cases

Text Art

One particularly exciting use case that is unique to current AI generation methods is the ability to use text as a source image and generate an image around the text. This approach enables completely legible text to be incorporated into your image generations, and it has shown very promising results.

Text example